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First Encounter

from Deadpool 2

📃 Scene Summary

Deadpool, along with X-Men members Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, responds to a standoff between authorities and the unstable Russell at the orphanage. Russell, who has been abused by the staff, lashes out with his pyrokinetic powers, threatening to burn the place down. The situation quickly escalates as Deadpool tries to defuse the tension. Realizing that Russell has been mistreated, Deadpool takes matters into his own hands. He kills one of the abusive staff members, enraging Russell further. Colossus restrains Deadpool, but not before the damage is done. Both Deadpool and Russell are arrested and taken to the Ice Box, an isolated prison for mutant criminals.

⌛ Timestamp in the source: From 00:38:30 to 00:44:33

🎥 Movie : Deadpool 2

💽 Source Type : Movie

🏷️ Tags : Russel

🔗 Related Links : No links uploaded

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