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Wade travel's back in Time

from Deadpool 2

📃 Scene Summary

In the first mid-credits scene, Negasonic Teenage Warhead repairs Cable's time travel device so Deadpool can use it. She and Yukio give it to Deadpool, though they question whether it was a good idea afterwards. Deadpool travels back to the moment Vanessa was killed. In the original timeline, a hired killer shoots her when Deadpool misses throwing a cream cheese spreader at him. But in the new timeline, Deadpool's aim is true and he kills the assassin before he can shoot Vanessa, saving her life. In the final post-credits scene, Deadpool travels to the present day and shoots Ryan Reynolds, who is happily looking at the script for the 2011 Green Lantern movie. This is a meta reference to Reynolds starring in that critically panned superhero film before finding success with Deadpool.

⌛ Timestamp in the source: From 02:04:12 to 02:07:47

🎥 Movie : Deadpool 2

💽 Source Type : Movie

🔗 Related Links : No links uploaded

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