One Wild Time

One Wild Time

20 min 0.0 1926-03-20

Cowpoke Magpie desires marriage thinking the way to go is to write to a matrimonial agency but his buddy, Dirtyshirt finally dissuades him. However, to get even with him when they have a disagreement, he mails the agency one of the touching missives Magpie has written and filed away. It elicits a tremendous response, and the would-be brides descend upon Magpie all from the same stagecoach. Meantime he and Dirtyshirt have fallen in love with the new girl at the local store. The applicants, however, will not be denied, and pursue Magpie vigorously. Dirtyshirt and Magpie, each unknown to the other, propose to the new girl at the store and advance her the necessary money to bring her mother West. Each is to meet her at the office of the Justice of the Peace at four o'clock in the afternoon. The two arrive there at the same time only to see the fair damsel emerging with the dashing local haberdasher.

Comedy Western

(All Film data from TMDb )


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