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Outsmarting the FBI

from Catch Me If You Can

📃 Scene Summary

Agent Hanratty enters Frank's motel room and holds him at gunpoint, believing he has finally caught the elusive check forger. However, Frank quickly thinks on his feet and claims to be "Barry Allen" of the Secret Service, stating he just apprehended the suspect. Frank convinces Hanratty that he is a fellow law enforcement officer by referencing details only a Secret Service agent would know, such as the new IBM Selectric typewriter used for check printing. He even goes so far as to have Hanratty check outside, where Frank's "partner" is supposedly arresting someone. As Hanratty leaves the room to investigate, he realizes he's been duped by the cunning con man. By the time he figures it out, Frank is long gone, having escaped through the window.This scene highlights Frank's quick wit and ability to improvise, even in high-pressure situations.

⌛ Timestamp in the source: From 00:52:12 to 00:55:52

🎥 Movie : Catch Me If You Can

💽 Source Type : Movie

🔗 Related Links : No links uploaded

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