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Thor is still worthy

from Avengers: Endgame

📃 Scene Summary

Thor is still worthy. He gets the Mjölnir when he calls for it by raising his hand. Thor is happy once he gets it taking it back to his reality

⌛ Timestamp in the movie : 1:31:55

🎥 Movie : Avengers: Endgame

💽 Source Type : Movie

🔗 Related Links : No links uploaded

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Scenes from 'Avengers: Endgame'

Thanos is back for the last fight

Tony and Nebula playing games

Hawkeye cold open

Post-snap Marvel logo

Avengers: Endgame Title Card

Attack on Thanos

Five years later

Scott Escapes The Quantum Realm

Asking Tony for help

Meeting Proffesor Hulk

Tony Stark figures out Time Travel

Time Travel Testing 1

Ronin Sequence

Time Travel Testing 2

Brainstorming Session

Cap vs. Cap

Thor is still worthy

Death of Black Widow