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Braz demonstrates the capability of a concrete block made out of 'unobtanium'

Braz demonstrates the capability of a concrete block made out of 'unobtanium'

📃 Scene Summary

Braz puts a mouse named 'Alex' inside a concrete block which dosen't break when a small scale version of high-frequency pulse lasers with resonance tube ultrasonics machine. Alex makes it out of the concrete block alive! When asked what is it made of, he calls it 'unobtanium'.

⌛ Timestamp in the movie : From 0:30:51 to 0:31:36

🎥 Movie : The Core

💽 Source Type : Movie

🔗 Related Links : No links uploaded

Scenes from 'The Core'

Braz demonstrates the capability of a concrete block made out of 'unobtanium'

Government needs Rat's help to hack to the planet