How to Add a Scene and Its Metadata to Scenestamps
Thank you for helping grow Scenestamps! Follow these simple steps to upload a scene and become part of this exciting journey:
1. Log In to Your Account
You must be logged in to add a scene.
- If you already have an account, log in here.
- If you don’t have an account, register here to create one.
Once logged in, proceed to the next steps.
2. Search for the Movie or TV Show
To get started, find the movie or TV show you want to contribute a scene for:
- For Movies: Search here
- For TV Shows: Search here
3. Navigate to the "Add New Scene" Button
- Once on the movie or TV show page, look for the "Add New Scene" button. You’ll find it on the right side, below the "Add New Review" button.
- Click the "Add New Scene" button to proceed.
4. Fill Out the Scene Upload Form
You’ll be redirected to the scene upload page. For TV shows, you’ll also need to specify the season and episode.
Form Input Fields
Here’s what to provide:
- Scene Title (Required): Enter a title for the scene.
- Select a Season (For TV Shows): Choose the season where the scene takes place. Once selected, episodes for that season will appear.
- Select an Episode (For TV Shows): Select the episode where the scene takes place.
- Scene Summary (Required): Provide a brief summary of the scene.
- Cover Image (Required): Upload a thumbnail or cover image for the scene.
- YouTube Link (Optional): Add a YouTube link to the scene, if available.
- Embedded Video Code (Optional): Provide embedded video code from other platforms (displayed when a YouTube link isn’t available).
- Scene-Related Images (Optional): Upload screenshots of the scene.
- Timestamp (Required): Indicate
the scene happens. Choose one of the following:
- Single [one input]: For a single timestamp
"00:15:42"). - From-To [two inputs]: For a range of timestamps (e.g., "00:12:10" to "00:14:30").
- Single [one input]: For a single timestamp
- Tags (Optional): Add tags related to the scene. Type the tag, then press enter, spacebar, or comma to add it. To remove a tag, click the close icon.
- Add Related Links (Optional): Include URLs to related sources about the scene. Enter the URL and click "Add". To remove a link, click the trash icon.
Note: Fields marked as Required must be filled out to successfully submit the form.
5. Submit the Scene
Once you’ve completed the form, review your inputs and click "Add Scene". Your scene will be added to Scenestamps for others to enjoy and discover!